Kemet Imhotep
The atmosphere az I am typing is so heavy…. Police killings of Black Men and Women have increased… Black on Black killings have been at the steady pace as planned. Dissatisfaction…iz at an all-time high… that haz not been seen in Decades. Poverty – Depression – Dark Despair- Health issues due to Stress…and a Breakdown of the Black family…. Have now all come together to dance. Death iz all around me….. The Corona Virus has us all…. Breaking down in micro-degrees. Somehow the 3 parts of the atom… wit’ the nucleus makes it 4 parts. Are moving and operating in such a manner… we have never seen!
Az all thiz is going on around me… I have to take a deep breath… wipe my face… Stand up….. Wipe the dust off….
I must adapt…. And make moves right..?
….” I was raised by all women, the men that were around had their own personal batttlez wit’ self. That was too intense… to give me any major advice or example of how to handle thiz… what iz called American Society. However, … I had “ Pa-Pa” Rev. Silas Smith Sr. Who truly walked in the Way of Jesus Christ. There was Mr. Herman (A White Man) who was a carpenter… who inspired me to want to do Maintenance and Construction. There waz Mr. Beecham who is also a Brotha’ who has committed his life to walk and stand just like Jesus did… Mr. Beecham taught me to think … non- emotional and wit a sense of Strategy, however 28 yearz later… now I understand and see these great men… in a different light. Now that I am facing thiz Dark Matter.
(American Society)
….. Az you are reading this… at thiz moment. Look at your ceiling …. Now look at your floor… well thiz system is right underneath your feet… just like when you are walking around a lake…and you pick up a rock… and when you do… you see a whole system. Living … working and in full effect… deep huh?? Well that iz just like the system I’m expressing to you today. I am in a system.. That haz no walls.. Or structure…. However itz there … some hear about it… some have never had to experience thiz un-admitted place or dark system. Thiz Dark System haz most of the people trapped in it.. Like 85% of the population.
A Dark System has to have Dark Economics–
Social Science typically defines Racial Inequality as- Imbalances in the distribution of Power, Economics , Resources, and Opportunities.
…. Ranging from disparities in wealth, poverty, Housing patterns, educational opportunities, unemployment rates, incarceration rates.
Current racial Inequalities in the (USA) have their roots in over 300 years of cultural, Economic, physical, legal and political discrimination based on race “ { Courtesy of Wikipedia } They left out… our Mental Health… just to survive being Black… in a system that waz not made for you at all… in no way… “
… The said above I had to learn the hard way wit’ no clue.. No rites of passage training on how to transition from a Boy to a Man… Right. ??
Now 27 Years and 9 Months of paying Child Support– 65 to 55 percent of my take home gone, been homeless so many timez with 2-3 jobz I can’t even keep count. Yearz of failed Ideas and major attempts to get out of poverty. My Mental.. Iz …. my Health… ??? Chest pains… and Anxiety…. Depression cloudz my ability to pray for the solution to an issue I didn’t even know was there.
For yearz I felt like a failure in the eyes of my children and myself. What is this pressure I can not describe that iz attacking me from the inside out? Oh now I need Medication to help me wit’ my Anxiety and Stress… I’m not sleeping.. I feel like that Hamster in the Wheel.
In conclusion….
Can I share wit you a long Story short… ? Well while I have you here….
Now that I am changing my thoughts to a higher frequency.. I have noticed that we pay to be poor in thiz Dark System. For the last month or so.. I have been trying to rent a Vehicle to travel back home and check on my children. Well I called all around and because I don’t have a major credit card … every corner and phone call… they treated me like I was asking them to let me get it for free.. And the hook up.
I stood in line at the Airport Budget Rental for 40 minz just to be told… No we don’t’ do debit cardz here. I was like… What??? O.K. I said to myself… he said… “Go to our store on Meridian… they take debit cards.” I was like why did he say it like… I’m trying to pay him in food stamps? So, I travel down to the other location… wait for bout 25-20 mins…. then the employee says can I help you… in a tone like she already knew… she was gonna tell me “No”. It wasn’t’ a warm pleasant greeting I just saw her display… just a few minz before me. I was like.. “ Yes.. I just was at the airport and they said to come here… to make a reservation for the 27th. She replied “When do you want to rent the car? The 27th of thiz month. Do you have a major credit card ?? Naw !! I have a debit card… she looked like… Really.. Well… I have to run your credit to see if you qualify for us to even be able to rent to you. Stop right there…. That for some reason those wordz..went inside my core… I took almost all day to get thiz reservation…. A whole hour went by… and they still gave me all thiz small talk….. She told me to call the main reservation line….. Now I’m getting really heated. On the phone with the main reservation Rep.. She was saying the same thing…and told me.. That they could not check to run my credit… unless I was renting today. I was like that makes no sense so I make a reservation… catch an uber with my bags to your location… the day I’m scheduled to leave… you run my credit then there iz a chance I will not qualify to rent a car wit’ budget.
They could not run my credit and let me know….Yes or No! After 30 more minz on the phone.. With no success… I step back inside the lobby of Budget Rental. Well I was so drained and mentally exhausted …. I was like thiz iz not that serious… just to rent a car… are you kidding me. The Employee looked me in my eyes.. And said.. “ If you had a major credit card… we would have been done.”
Everything stopped…. And I said… She’s right. It’z not her fault .. I have not handled my business. It’z not her fault I have a low thought process….
… we really pay to be poor. All day… all that driving, calling, waiting, standing, explaining… for Nothing…
In This Dark System… we pay to be Poor.!!
Thank you for taking the time to listen….